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TruMark Financial Reality Fair

On January 17th, during Mercy Mester, Trumark hosted a Reality Fair for students in the McHugh Gymnasium. The fair aimed to educate Gwynedd’s students on becoming financially stable adults, better preparing them for college and adulthood. 

Initially, students were randomly assigned a career and a monthly salary corresponding to that job. Numerous tables were set up around the gym, covering various topics such as budgeting for food, clothes, phone bills, car insurance, pets, etc. Based on their assigned monthly income, students had to carefully plan how to budget, ensuring they could cover student loans and essential household bills. 

After completing their budgeting plans, students spun a wheel that influenced their financial situation either positively or negatively. If students successfully managed their budget, with money left over to save or spend, it indicated excellent financial planning. However, if they overspent, the Reality Fair served as a valuable learning experience. 

Girls who participated in this fair gained insight into the challenges of effective saving and spending, making this experience particularly beneficial for their future financial endeavors. 

A student spins the wheel at the financial reality fair.