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We are thrilled to announce an exciting event organized by the Leadership Development Committee: Passion Pitches. Over the past few months, students have dedicated their time and energy to a project that aims to embody the spirit of creativity. They have consistently worked on brainstorming, collaborating, and implementing their projects.  

The students will present their projects to everyone, including parents, to observe and appreciate. Here is a quick overview of what each group aims to accomplish: 

  • Foreign Muse was created by the three seniors who aim to introduce the Gwynedd community to other cultures addressing mental health through their music.   

  • The STEM Stars Spotlight: This group works to introduce Gwynedd students to women throughout history who have persevered in STEM careers, even when facing adversity. Their goal is to inform Gwynedd girls about college majors and career options aligned with their interests. 

  • United Against the Wage Gap: This group hopes to raise awareness about the wage gap between women and men and spread information to help combat any gender-based discrimination in the workforce.  

  • Breaking Body Boundaries: This project addresses the body standards that social media has imposed on women in our society. It emphasizes the role of algorithms in promoting content that reinforces societal beauty standards, contributing to negative mental health impacts. 

  • Be Aware of What You Wear: Advocating for inclusivity and against animal testing in the cosmetics industry, this group explores the impact of animal testing and aims to understand how Gwynedd can make a positive impact. 

  • Financially Aware: This group aims to address the lack of financial literacy in women and educate young women on how to live financially successful lives to create more opportunities for entering business occupations. 

  • Fashion Fun for Everyone: This group aims to inform viewers about how the clothing industry can promote inclusivity through their sizes. They highlight brands like Lululemon and Aerie that exhibit inclusion in their marketing advertisements. 

  • Small Acts... BIG Impacts: This group's goal is to spread small acts of kindness around the school and exhibit artwork to involve everyone at Gwynedd.