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The Leadership Development Committee has been very busy this month! They focused on the We Dine Together Program, an initiative co-founded by high school student Denis Estimon, who led a movement advocating that no one should eat alone. By inviting someone to sit at their lunch table and forming new friendships, the officers are assisting the council members in putting this into practice in their daily lives. Similar to how Denis Estimon's community was strengthened, ours can be strengthened by inviting one another to sit with them. To continue to act on this movement, each member of the LDC made a few friendship bracelets to give to one another during lunch to brighten someone’s day. This includes building our community and promoting inclusivity, which has been a major topic of discussion at the meetings of the Leadership Development Committee. When talking to the members, they explained the effect the bracelets had on themselves and someone they gave their bracelet to. Lilly Dever shares, “By gifting an inspirational message on a bracelet to an unknown student, I was reminded how much good can stem from small acts of kindness.” The bracelets, started by the Leadership Development Committee, helped students appreciate all acts of kindness and are a constant reminder that simple actions can uplift each other throughout the school day.